Coalition Publishes 2014 Annual Report
March 12, 2014
The Coalition today published it’s Annual Report for 2014, highlighting its activities, accomplishments, and major media coverage of its work over the past year. Several highlights of the Coalitions work include:
A reauthorized version of Perkins should:
Align CTE programs to the needs of the regional, state, and local labor market;
Support effective and meaningful collaboration between secondary and postsecondary institutions and employers;
Increase student participation in experiential learning opportunities such as industry internships, apprenticeships and mentorships; and promote the use of industry-recognized credentials.
The Coalition’s advocacy in support of the Department of Education’s Math and Science Partnerships program led to a $5 million increase in appropriations for this program to $155 million in FY 2015, the first increase in more than 10 years.
Our Coalition worked with the White House to re-tool a planned reorganization of federal STEM education programs across 13 different agencies, resulting in major changes in Administration’s budget for FY 2016.
The Coalition rallied the support of more than 40 major national organizations behind common state standards in math and science. Coalition members also helped defeat a bill to repeal Common Core math standards in Ohio.
The Coalition’s Policy Council has grown to over 40 members and more than 600 organizations have become Affiliate members of the Coalition.