Coalition Statement on FY16 Budget Proposal
The Coalition issued the following statement on the Obama Administration’s proposed Fiscal Year 2016 Budget Request, which would provide more than $3 billion for STEM education programs across the federal government. The budget also proposes $200 million for the U.S. Department of Education’s Math and Science Partnership, a $50 million increase, and includes a substantial boosting in funding for the National Science Foundation’s Education and Human Resources Directorate.
“We are pleased that the President’s Budget Request has again strongly prioritized federal investments in STEM education, which are essential to U.S. long-term competitiveness and job growth. The budget proposes a substantial increase for the Math and Science Partnership program, an existing, authorized, and proven program we have long supported and which has bipartisan support in Congress. The budget also proposes the expansion of the National Science Foundation’s efforts to support K-12 and informal STEM education, which will complement the recent strong focus of NSF on undergraduate education. We look forward to working with the Administration and Congress to align our spending priorities with the STEM fields and the good jobs of the future, whether on the shop floor, in the research lab, or in the board room.” -James Brown, Executive Director
The full details of the Administration’s Budget Request are available here.