STEM Ed Update: Campaign Education Plaforms, New STEM Reports, and More

Greetings STEM Ed Coalition Affiliates and Colleagues-

Members of Congress are on the campaign trail as the final weeks of the election season wind down, plus two STEM related reports of note, and more, all below.  Also, make sure to follow the Coalition on Twitter @StemEdCoalition for more daily updates.

Obama and Romney Education Priorities — ASCD has put together the education platforms of President Barack Obama and Governor Mitt Romney in a nonpartisan way, compiling information from the candidates’ own resources without external analysis or commentary.

See the full analysis here:

 The two campaigns also supplied responses on a wider range of science and technology related policy questions here:

“The Competition That Really Matters” — The Center for American Progress released a recent report on the role of education in ensuring the preimment position of the U.S. within the global economy.  Their new release compares U.S., Chinese, and Indian investments in the next-generation workforce.

Read the full report here:

STEM and Immigration Reforms — The Center for Technology Innovation at Brookings last month hosted  a forum on STEM education and immigration reforms and how policy innovations can recharge American competitiveness and economic opportunity. During the event Microsoft released a National Talent Strategy,

 Read more at:

Calling all digital divas, web chix & coder girls! — The National Center for Women & Information Technology (NCWIT) Award for Aspirations in Computing honors young women at the high-school level for their computing-related achievements and interests. The program offers both national and local affiliate competitions. National winners receive $500, a laptop and a trip to the March 9, 2013 awards gala. APPLICATIONS ARE OPEN NOW THROUGH OCTOBER 31: APPLY NOW! Since 2007, NCWIT has inducted more than 1300 young women into the Aspirations in Computing Talent Pipeline program and honored more than 50 teachers with the NCWIT Educator Award. Learn more at

FIRST is Seeking a Regional Director for the National Capital Area —  The Regional Director will report to the VP of Field Operations and work collaboratively with FIRST program directors and staff at FIRST Headquarters and FIRST Regional Directors and staff in the National Capital Regional (MD, DC, and VA) in the development, growth and support of the FIRST Programs which include the FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC), FIRST Tech Challenge (FTC), and FIRST LEGO League (FLL) at the local and regional level.

For full job description, please go to:

For more information on how to become a member of the Coalition’s Leadership Council, please contact the Coalition. 


-Jodi and James


Jodi Peterson Chair, STEM Education Coalition Assistant Executive Director, Legislative and Public Affairs National Science Teachers Association 1840 Wilson Blvd. Arlington, VA 22201 (703) 312-9214 (office)


James Brown Executive Director STEM Education Coalition 700 North One Lafayette Centre 1120 20th Street NW Washington, DC 20036 (202) 223-1187


2012 Annual Report for the STEM Education Coalition


STEM Ed Update: Sequester, New STEM Legislation, Upcoming Events