Coalition Statement on Women in STEM Bills
The STEM Education Coalition is very pleased that President Trump will sign a pair of bipartisan bills into law that will authorize NASA and the National Science Foundation to bolster their efforts to bring more women and girls into the critical science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields.
Coalition Recommendations to President Trump and Secretary DeVos on STEM Issues
On March 13, the STEM Education Coalition sent letters to President Donald Trump and Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos.
Secretary-designate DeVos Answers STEM Education Questions
After Secretary-designate DeVos’ confirmation hearing in front of the Senate Education Committee, several senators submitted additional follow-up questions to be answered before her final confirmation vote.
STEM Education Questions for Betsy DeVos
This week, the U.S. Senate will begin the confirmation hearing for Betsy DeVos. Mrs. DeVos was nominated by President-Elect Donald Trump for Secretary of Education. The STEM Education Coalition hopes senators will raise the following questions with Mrs. DeVos:
Policy Forum Teams With Afterschool Alliance and Overdeck Foundation
The STEM Education Coalition Policy Forum is working with the Afterschool Alliance to lead a multi-state initiative focused on preparing Mott Statewide Afterschool Networks to advance state-level policy that’s favorable to high-quality STEM learning in out-of-school time (OST) settings.
Coalition Sends ESSA Letter to State Policymakers
Today, the STEM Education Coalition sent a letter to state policymakers across the nation. The letter outlines the Coalition’s recommendations for the state-level implementation of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).
Policy Forum Hosts Connected STEM Learning Briefing
On Tuesday, the STEM Education Policy Forum hosted a briefing on Capitol Hill entitled, “Connected STEM Learning: Transitioning to a New Vision of Delivering STEM Education.”
Memo to President-Elect Trump’s Transition Team
Today the STEM Education Coalition sent its transition memo entitled, “STEM Education, Good Jobs, and American Prosperity,” to President-Elect Trump’s transition team.
New State Toolkit for Afterschool and Informal STEM Advocates
The STEM Education Coalition Policy Forum and the Afterschool Alliance have collaborated to develop a toolkit of materials to help advocates make the case at the state and local level for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics education to be a top priority and to integrate afterschool and informal learning strategies into overall plans to improve STEM learning.
The Hill: A Decade Is Way Too Long to Wait
On Tuesday, Executive Director of the STEM Education Coalition, James Brown, along with David Evans, the Executive Director of the National Science Teachers Association wrote an article for The Hill urging policymakers to fund Title II and Title IV of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) at the highest possible level.
STEM Education Coalition Applauds House on Perkins CTE Passage
The STEM Education Coalition commends the House for bipartisan progress on the reauthorization of the Perkins Career and Technical Education Act.
STEM Education Coalition Signs Afterschool STEM Hub Letter to State Policymakers
The STEM Education Coalition was a signatory on a letter sent to state education policymakers by the Afterschool STEM Hub, an alliance of local, state and national organizations dedicated to improving education for all students.
STEM Education Coalition Praises House Action to Fund Key ESSA Program to Support Science, Technology, Engineering and Math Education
The STEM Education Coalition issued a statement on this week’s action by the House Labor, HHS, and Education Appropriations Subcommittee bill to fund the Department of Education and the nation’s new education law, the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).
STEM Education Coalition Statement on Senate’s American Innovation and Competitiveness Act
The STEM Education Coalition issued a statement on the Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee’s American Innovation and Competitiveness Act.
STEM Education Coalition Expresses Disappointment with Senate Education Subcommittee Funding Level
The STEM Education Coalition issued a statement on today’s Senate Labor, HHS, and Education Appropriations Subcommittee bill to fund the Department of Education and the nation’s new education law, the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).
STEM Ed Coalition Sends ESSA Guidance Recommendations to Dept. of Education
On Wednesday, the STEM Education Coalition’s Leadership Council sent feedback to the U.S. Department of Education on the implementation of STEM-related provisions in the Every Student Succeeds Act.
Informal STEM Education 101: What We Know and Don’t: The State of the Art on Research on Outcomes in Informal STEM Education
The STEM Education Coalition Policy Forum joined the National Science Teachers Association, Afterschool Alliance, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Battelle, Education Development Center, the Society of Women Engineers, and the Association for Computing Machinery to host the another round of the Policy Forum’s continued education briefing series on informal education.
The Case for Investing in Out-of-School Learning as a Core Strategy in Improving STEM Education
The STEM Education Coalition today publicly released “The Case for Investing in Out-of-School Learning as a Core Strategy in Improving Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Education.”
STEM Education Coalition Budget Priorities for FY17 Budget
Last week, the STEM Ed Coalition issued its final letter to appropriators on the FY17 budget. The letter included the Coalition’s budget priorities and specific recommendations regarding funding priorities at the Department of Education and the National Science Foundation.
STEM Ed Coalition Supports Math Educator Nomination for Negotiated Rulemaking Nomination
The STEM Ed Coalition proudly supports nominating Dr. Diane Briars, President of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) to participate in negotiated rulemaking for the Every Student Succeeds Act.