Coalition Hosts STEM Education 101 Webinar for the 117th Congress
On Wednesday, February 3rd, the STEM Education Coalition hosted a webinar on “STEM Education 101: Major Policy Issues for the 117th Congress.” The webinar highlighted K-12, higher education, CTE, informal and afterschool, diversity and workforce issues that have implications for STEM education – and the work of the 117th Congress.
Coalition Publishes STEM Education Policy Recommendations to Biden/Harris Transition
On Friday, December 4, the STEM Education Coalition published their recommendations on federal STEM Education policy for the Biden/Harris transition team.
Coalition’s 2021 Federal Priorities
The STEM Education Coalition recently finalized federal policy priorities for 2021, focusing on equity and access throughout the STEM pipeline, recovering and accelerating STEM education and workforce trends from the COVID-19 pandemic, and encouraging robust inter-agency collaboration and bipartisan policymaking in the nation’s capital.
Coalition Hosts Webinar on Technician Education Trends During COVID-19
On Thursday, October 29, the STEM Education Coalition hosted a webinar to explore the impacts of the COVID-19 crisis on current and long term trends in the education and workforce development of technicians in the science, technology, engineering, and math fields.
STEM Learning Ecosystems Advocacy Toolkit
The STEM Learning Ecosystems Advocacy Toolkit is now available to download.
Senators Rosen and Hyde-Smith Introduce Bipartisan STEM Workforce Bill
Today, Senator Jacky Rosen (D-NV) and Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith (R-MS) announced the introduction of their bipartisan STEM Restoring Employment Skills through Targeted Assistance, Re-entry, and Training (RESTART) Act.
House Passes Rural STEM Education Bill
On Wednesday, September 16, the House of Representatives passed H.R. 4979, the Rural STEM Education Act, unanimously by voice vote.
Coalition Hosts Webinar on STEM Education and the Return to School During COVID-19
On Wednesday, July 29, the STEM Education Coalition hosted a webinar to discuss STEM education in the return to school, in a variety of environments, during COVID-19.
Coalition Hosts Webinar to Examine Virtual Internships During COVID-19
On Wednesday, June 17, the STEM Education Coalition hosted a webinar to highlight various perspectives from organizations that are working to support inclusive and meaningful virtual internship experiences for students and youth in STEM fields during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Coalition Calls on Congress to Address STEM Education and Infrastructure in Next Coronavirus Response Bill
This week, the STEM Education Coalition, along with several members of the Coalition’s Leadership Council, signed onto a dear colleague letter sponsored by Rep. TJ Cox (D-CA) and Rep. Troy Balderson (R-OH) calling on Congressional leaders to mitigate the educational disruptions and long-term economic impacts of the COVID-19 crisis by investing in STEM school infrastructure in the next relief package considered by Congress.
STEM Education Coalition Develops Policy Recommendations Responding to COVID-19
The STEM Education Coalition has gathered a wide range of feedback from across the STEM education community in past days and weeks regarding needs, response, and future directions relative to the COVID-19 pandemic and its impacts on education.
Coalition Talks CARES Act Impact on STEM Educators
On Wednesday, April 8, James Brown, Executive Director of the STEM Education Coalition, participated in virtual round table discussion hosted by the National Consortium of Secondary STEM Schools (NCSSS) to outline impacts on STEM educators in the $2 trillion CARES Act, the third relief package passed by Congress to provide relief funding in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. To view the presentation and discussion click here.
Coronavirus Response Publications and Recommendations from Education and Community Stakeholders
The STEM Education Coalition is collecting and re-posting all policy recommendations from members of the education community to federal and state policymakers on dealing with the current virus outbreak.
Coalition Outlines 2020 Federal Policy Goals
The STEM Education Coalition this week released its 2020 federal policy goals to shape the coalition’s advocacy efforts on Capitol Hill and among the executive branch agencies for the year.
Bipartisan Bill to Support Minority STEM Inclusion Introduced with Coalition Support
This week, Rep. Marcia L. Fudge (OH-11) and Rep. Mike Turner (OH-10) introduced the Supporting Minority STEM Student to Career Act to improve the delivery of targeted resources to underrepresented students in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) fields.
Coalition Visits Idaho for STEM Ecosystems Convening
This week, STEM Education Coalition Executive Director, James Brown, visited the Gem State to participate in a STEM Ecosystem convening at Boise State University.
House Passes Two STEM Education Bills
Earlier this week, the House of Representatives passed two notable STEM education bills via unanimous voice vote.
Coalition Advocates for Stronger STEM Focus in House Higher Education Bill
On Monday, October 28, the STEM Education Coalition, joined by partner co-signers, sent a letter addressed to leaders of the education committees in Congress, detailing STEM education priorities we seek to be addressed in any eventual reauthorization of the federal education law investing in higher education- the Higher Education Act.
STEM Education Coalition Statement on the College Affordability Act Introduction
Today, House Education and Labor Chair Bobby Scott (D-VA) introduced the College Affordability Act, a comprehensive proposal to reauthorize the Higher Education Act. James Brown, Executive Director of the STEM Education Coalition, issued a statement.
STEM Education Coalition Featured in Asian Television Specials
An update on STEM policy was heard around the world this month, when television channels in Kyrgyz Republic and Uzbekistan aired programs detailing the history of STEM education.